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140 TMCs for Telangana and 84 TMCs for AP

140 TMCs for Telangana and 84 TMCs for AP


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Allotment of Krishna water shares till May 31

vebnox/Hyderabad: The Krishna Board has taken a decision by allocating water in the ratio of 66:34 to the states of Telangana and Andhra Pradesh on May 31. Telangana has been allotted 140 tmcs and Andhra Pradesh 84 tmcs of Krishna water. A meeting of the three-member committee was held at the Gu Ruwaram Waterworks. The 11th General Body Meeting, chaired by Board Owner Chairman RK Gupta, was attended by top officials of both the states. Telangana State Government Chief Secretary Somesh Kumar, AP Water Resources Department Special CS Adityanath and other high officials participated. The board discussed the issue of water used during the flood.

RK Gupta responded and said that the issue of water was discussed during the flood. He said that Telangana has asked to consider additional 45 TMCs. Similarly, it has been requested to consider 20 percent of household water. It has been explained that the issues raised by Telangana will be reported to the CDWUC. According to the Partition Act, the Krishna Board should be located in Andhra Pradesh. Board committee member Paramesh said that two states have been allocated more water than required. He said that not according to the ratio, the allocation was made according to the needs. Paramesh said that AP has used 511 tmcs of water and Telangana 158 tmcs so far.

Krishna Board Allocates 140 TMC Water to Telangana

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