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Semester for school

Semester for school

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School Education

National Policy Report Suggestion for Improving Quality in Primary Education
High dropouts after 8th standard, stop stereotypic teaching
Needless to say, poor quality BED colleges should be closed

Hyderabad: The National Education Policy report suggested that quality pre-primary education should be provided to the socially and economically backward sections and implementation of semester system in school education. The report mentions the current situation of schools and higher education and the steps to be taken in the future. It pointed out that there is no quality in pre-primary and there is a need to train Anganwadi workers.

Many students are not able to read and write at the basic level and warned that if action is not taken, the consequences will be severe in the future. 100 percent admissions should be done by 2035. At present, the enrollment ratio of students is 90.7 percent in classes 6 to -8, 79.3 percent in classes 9 and -10, and 51.3 percent in classes 11 and -12. According to these statistics, the number of school leavers after eighth standard is high and it is clear in the report that there should be 100 percent gross enrollment ratio in pre-primary education by 2035.

New Syllabus for School Education

It suggests promoting holistic development such as critical thinking, creativity, scientific nature, collaboration, multilingualism, problem solving, social responsibility and digital literacy. It said that teaching in stereotyped method should be reduced and new skills of 21st century should be promoted. It is clear that the curriculum and teaching structure of schooling can be restructured according to the interests of the learners in relation to and responsive to their developmental needs at different stages.

5+3+3+4 system in school education

5+3+3+4 system should be implemented in school education, the first three years in five years will be pre-primary along with classes 1 and 2, the next three years will be classes 3 to -5, the next three years will be classes 6 to 8, and the high school will be classes 9 to 12 in four years. At the foundation level of the first five years, students should be taught good behavior, morals, personal hygiene, mutual cooperation.

Don’t let financial problems keep you away from higher education

It said that no student should be kept away from higher education due to financial problems. It has been said that the national scholarship should be expanded further. Private higher education institutions should offer scholarships and the enrollment ratio in higher education was 26.3 per cent at the national average in 2018, and it has been suggested to increase it to 50 per cent by 2030. By 2040, degree colleges should become autonomous institutions, universities, research varsities and teaching varsities. It suggested that institutions of higher learning should invite four-year degrees. It said that students should be given the opportunity to go out at any time. It has been revealed that if you go out in the first year, you will get a diploma qualification certificate, and if you go out in three years, you will get a degree.

Closure of poor quality B.ED colleges

The report suggested that the quality of teacher education should be increased and the poor quality colleges should be closed as much as possible. It states that there should be at least one teacher per class and teacher ratio should be 30:1 and 25:1 in socially backward areas. It suggests that by 2030 a four-year integrated degree- B.ED course should be eligible. It said that educational institutions should conduct multiple B.ED courses and close down poor quality teacher training institutes. It said that monitoring, evaluation and accreditation of private schools is necessary. According to the Right to Education Act, pre-primary education of high quality should be provided to disadvantaged and underprivileged communities. It suggested to increase Saratrik and distance education courses in National Open School.

Semester Policy in School Education
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