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Donald Trump rules out Vivek Ramaswamy as his vice-president candidate

Donald Trump rules out Vivek Ramaswamy as his vice-president candidate

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Donald Trump has ruled out Vivek Ramaswamy as his running mate and is instead eyeing the entrepreneur for a Cabinet job, according to people familiar with the matter, as the Republican presidential nominee sizes up a possible administration.
Trump personally told Ramaswamy he won’t be his vice presidential pick, according to people briefed on the discussion, but is considering him for posts including Homeland Security secretary. Some Trump allies see Ramaswamy as ideal for the job because they say he excels at public speaking and, as an Indian-American son of an immigrant, could neutralize criticism of sweeping immigration restrictions.
Their conversation is just one of many Trump has had recently with allies about administration positions as he seized hold of the Republican nomination. Loyalty, ideological compatibility and perceived electoral power are the metrics by which Trump is evaluating possible picks, according to people familiar with the process who spoke on the condition of anonymity.
Those who have impressed Trump and his team for possible Cabinet roles include another former GOP primary foe, North Dakota Governor Doug Burgum, as well as Representative Elise Stefanik and former US Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer.
Trump is looking for a running mate who isn’t motivated by the limelight, but who will help give him a measurable edge in the race against President Joe Biden, according to those familiar with his thinking. Trump has confided to close advisers and allies that none of the names circulating as potential running mates have impressed him much. His list of options has only grown longer, not shorter, according to people close to the former president.
Ousted US House Speaker Kevin McCarthy is seen as a top candidate to serve as chief of staff. McCarthy, who turned down the job in Trump’s last term because he wanted to serve as speaker, has assets that Trump views positively including an understanding of Capitol Hill, federal agencies and budgets.
The former president and his advisers are eager to avoid what they see as a crucial mistake from the first term, when a chaotic transition effort and the appointment of series of top-level aides and Cabinet members who sought to constrain – rather than enable – Trump’s agenda stalled legislative and regulatory priorities.
His search has been assisted by not only top aides like Susie Wiles and Chris LaCivita, but also family members. Son-in-law Jared Kushner has recently increased his presence with the campaign, calling and texting to offer suggestions. The president’s son, Donald Trump Jr., has voiced interest in a key transition role, partly to help block people from top jobs who are opposed by Trump loyalists known as “MAGA” hardliners.
But even as allies tout loyalists who would help impose strict immigration controls, new tariffs, deep cuts to the federal bureaucracy and a reordering of US foreign policy, Trump remains captivated by those he sees as successful, independently wealthy and well-dressed.
Team of rivals
Jason Miller, a senior Trump campaign adviser, said it’s far too early to be speculating about who will fill Cabinet or senior roles. “Apparently somebody has decided to list out everyone who has ever met President Trump and is now speculating as to their potential participation in a second Trump administration. The truth is that unless you hear it directly from President Trump or his campaign, this is all b.s.” Miller said.
Those who have participated in the discussions describe a quintessentially Trump experience, in which the former president peppers the conversation with political observations and media critiques as a steady stream of food is served, while he keeps an eye on cable news or chooses his favorite musical selections over dinner at his Mar-a-Lago club.
The former president has repeatedly expressed admiration for Burgum, a billionaire who mounted a short-lived presidential bid. He has been discussed as a good fit to lead a transition – and possibly the Energy Department. Burgum, like Trump, is a supporter of fossil fuels.
Fellow US senators Lindsey Graham and John Thune have praised South Carolina Senator Tim Scott as a possible vice presidential pick.
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is not expected to feature in a Trump administration following his futile attempt to challenge the former president in the primary. Trump regularly vents about DeSantis in private conversations. But the former opponents did have a phone conversation, which was kept secret, soon after DeSantis dropped out, according to people familiar with the discussion, who said their talk was surprisingly cordial.
Trump is known to change his mind about personnel and policy, but for now, he isn’t satisfied with his roster of vice presidential possibilities. Stefanik, the No. 3 House Republican, is seen as lacking a national profile, fundraising base, or ability to deliver her home of New York state, a long-held pipe dream for Trump, a Queens native. But she’s likely to have a Cabinet role, people close to Trump said.
Trump has complained that Arkansas Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders, one of his former White House press secretaries, waited too long to endorse him. Senator Katie Britt of Alabama botched her odds because of her widely-panned response to Biden’s State of the Union, and was already viewed skeptically by Trump hardliners as an ally of Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell.
Justice Department
Trump sees leadership at the nation’s top law enforcement agency as one of his most crucial decisions. Trump’s clashed with his attorneys general over the investigation into Russian election interference and later over his unsubstantiated claims the 2020 election was stolen. The Justice Department’s prosecution of the former president over his retention of classified documents and efforts to overturn his defeat have only raised the stakes.
Senate Republicans Mike Lee of Utah and Ted Cruz of Texas are seen as possibilities for attorney general because it would likely be easy to secure their confirmation.
Trump has repeatedly discussed the idea of hiring lawyer Mike Davis, a former aide to Senator Chuck Grassley who previously worked at the Justice Department, possibly as acting attorney general, or as White House counsel. Mike Purpura, who represented Trump is in his first impeachment, is another person viewed as a strong contender for White House counsel.
FBI Director Christopher Wray, who Trump nominated in 2017 but has since earned his ire over statements on Ukraine and Jan. 6, is unlikely to remain if Trump is reelected, according to several people familiar with Trump’s planning. They said the expectation is that Wray would likely resign.
Other agencies
Lighthizer and Trump’s secretary of Housing and Urban Development Ben Carson remain well liked by the former president and could be in line for a promotion.
John Ratcliffe, who served as intelligence director, is seen as a possible choice for that job – or Defense secretary or secretary of State. Nothing is decided, and it will likely be a game of musical chairs for top posts, with possibilities including Representative Mike Waltz of Florida, former National Security Council chief of staff Keith Kellogg, and Senators JD Vance of Ohio and Marco Rubio of Florida, according to people familiar with Trump’s current thinking.

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